Tips and tricks Lagrange

Tips and tricks

A tip from Lagrange for robust raclette!

Raclette & Fondue sets

The key to great raclette is great cheese! If you can, find a cheese that is labelled AOC (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée/Controlled Designation of Origin) this means the cheese is certified as made in a specific geographical designation. You can find raclette cheese made in Switzerland or the Savoy region of France.

Apart from the classic raclette cheese, it also can be made smoked or flavored with herbs and spices such as pepper, cumin and white wine. Don't be afraid to mix things up: why not add in a few slices of Morbier or Bleu for a unique fondue experience!

A brief History of (Raclette) Cheese

Raclette & Fondue sets

Raclette: just the word makes you think of wintery nights around the table with friends and family, but where did it all begin? From the middle-ages, shepherds often enjoyed "roasted cheese", but it wasn't until 1874 that the word "raclette" first came to be. With the popularity of winter sports around the 20th century, raclette took off as a staple for winter cooking. Its creamy texture is ideal for eating hot and melted.

South-West Raclette

Raclette & Fondue sets

Thinly sliced duck breast on a bed of melted goats cheese...don't forget the potatoes for a little extra indulgence!